
M 81 or Bode's Galaxy

M 81 or Bode's Galaxy It is located about 11 million light-years from Earth, making it one of the closest to our galaxy, while also being part of the Local Group. Darfo Boario spa, Brescia Italy. Filming carried out over 3 nights. Skywatcher 200/1000 reduced to 950,f 4.8 with Artesky coma corrector. Skywatcher Azeq6 pro mount Touptek 571c pro camera cooled to -10° Optlong lPro filter Astro automatic focuser touptek. Artesky 70/400 guide tube Zwo asi 224mc guide camera Light 205 x 300" Dark 20 Flat 100 Sharpcap for polar alignment eqmod + sky chart Nina Phd2 Deep sky Stacker Siril Photoshop and astropanel.

Scientists say the Universe will end in 100 Trillion years:

Scientists say the universe will end in 100 trillion years: However, scientists say the journey to that point will be marked by a long, gradual fading rather than a sudden conclusion. Right now, we live in the Stelliferous Era, a time of star formation that began around a million years after the Big Bang and will last for about 100 trillion years. During this period, stars continuously form by fusing hydrogen, lighting up the cosmos. However, the universe has a limited amount of hydrogen, and as stars burn through this supply, new star formation will gradually slow until it ceases altogether. Massive stars will go supernova first, leaving behind stellar remnants such as neutron stars, white dwarfs, and black holes. Eventually, even the smallest stars, like red dwarfs, will fade away after trillions of years, and the universe as we know it—bright with starlight—will cease to exist. However, that doesn’t mean the universe will be devoid of activity. Stellar remnants will still shine fain...